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Kanadischer Premier entschuldigt sich

Ottawa –

Der kanadische Premierminister Justin Trudeau hat sich bei den Lesben, Schwulen, Bi- und Transsexuellen (LGBT) des Landes für Jahrzehnte der Diskriminierung durch den Staat entschuldigt. „Ihr seid Fachkräfte. Ihr seid Patrioten. Und vor allem seid ihr unschuldig. Für all Euer Leid verdient ihr Gerechtigkeit und Frieden“, sagte Trudeau am Dienstag (Ortszeit) im kanadischen Unterhaus und zeigte sich sichtlich bewegt.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM0yZP-g3a4?start=0&rel=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=3&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ksta.de]

Mit seiner Entschuldigung wandte sich Trudeau an die kanadischen Beamten, Soldaten und Mitarbeiter der Bundespolizei, die zwischen den 1950er und 1990er Jahren wegen ihrer sexuellen Orientierung diskriminiert, kriminalisiert und teilweise aus dem Staatsdienst entlassen worden waren.

Zur Entschädigung zahlt Kanada den Betroffenen nun insgesamt 145 Millionen kanadische Dollar (96 Millionen Euro). (dpa)

– Quelle: https://www.ksta.de/28971846 ©2017

Gord Downie: Sänger von The Tragically Hip stirbt mit 53 … https://web.de/magazine/unterhaltung/musik/gord-downie-saenger-the…

Tod einer kanadischen Legende: Gord Downie, der Sänger der in Kanada extrem beliebten Band The Tragically Hip, ist im Alter von 53 Jahren gestorben.


aus thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/two-spirit/

At the third annual Intertribal Native American,

First Nations, Gay and Lesbian American Conference, held in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1990, activist Albert McLeod proposed the term two-spirit to refer to the Aboriginal LGBTQ community. The term was well received by the conference attendees and soon gained popularity within Aboriginal communities. The term is used today to broadly reference the Aboriginal LGBTQ community. Some two-spirit societies also use the terms LGBTQ2S or LGBTTIQQ2S (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Transgendered, Intersexual, Queer, Questioning, 2-Spirited) to incorporate two-spirits within the larger LGBTQ community.

LGBTQQ2S Awareness

Flag representing 2 Spirits people of the 1st Nations. Image: © Art Zoccole, 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations, www.2spirits.com

Art Zoccole, 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations

From the 1990s to the present, awareness about two-spirits has increased both within and outside Aboriginal communities. Organizations such as the National Confederacy of Two-Spirit Organizations (NC2SO) and the Northeast Two-Spirit Society (now known as the East Coast Two Spirit Society, EC2SS) seek to educate the general public about two-spirit traditions. They also serve as sources of support for Aboriginal LGTBQ individuals. In January 2013, NC2SO and EC2SS created a resource directory of two-spirit groups in Canada and the United States.

Despite growing awareness, some two-spirits continue to face sexual and gender discrimination and violence in communities that are not accepting of their lifestyle. In 2001, Fred Martinez, a 16-year-old Navajo transgendered person, was beaten to death near Cortez, Colorado. The film Two Spirits (2011) documents this tragic story while also exploring the history of LGBTQ identity in many Aboriginal cultures. The Martinez murder, as well as other well-known cases, such as the murder of HIV/AIDS activist and self-identifying two-spirit Dolan Badger on 12 January 2013 in Edmonton, Alberta, have served to ignite conversations about LGBTQ rights in Canada and the United States (see LGBT Rights in Canada).


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